Shen Gemunder SB 150, $4,100
(list price $4,870)
This 7/8 size bass is actually a very manageable size. Its 42” string length is only marginally longer (about 1/2” at most) than the average 3/4 size bass and the bout widths and upper bout dimensions make for very easy playability. It features a “d” neck.
Shen’s description is that “This floor shaker of a bass was designed with the orchestra section in mind, with a big room sound for auditoriums. However, it continues to get picked by Jazz players for the forceful pizzicato.”
I don’t think that’s in anyway overhyping its powerful low end and generally gutsy punchy sound.
For a long time Shen had a hybrid 3/4 model in the Rogeri pattern that was in my opinion their best jazz bass called the 190 IT hybrid. Unfortunately they discontinued it a number of years ago, and for quite a while I really couldn’t find any model that as reliably was successful every time as a jazz bass. I’m glad to say, that so far the “Gemunder” models (round back hybrid, like this one, Flatback hybrid, or all solid flat back, which we get in from time to time) are all really successful in this role.
Probably one of the best features of their basses is the quality of the ebony fingerboards, which are well seasoned and thick enough to keep the neck the way it’s intended to be.
We do all our own regulation of the basses when they arrive, fitting a French made bridge with height adjustment wheels, planing, testing, and polishing the fingerboards, and making a perfect soundpost as well as regulating all aspects of how the bass plays- right here in our shop.